Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated lately. Since Brussels I've been doing a lot of school work and gelato eating. I saw Madam Butterfly with my class. It's been pouring the past couple of weeks. I Went to pizza with my house for Valentine's Day. Spent some time in San Miniato al Monte which was beautiful. I pretty much walk a lot and eat a lot and I'm pretty happy about that. I hope everyone is well! I'm off to Rome!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


A couple of the girls from my program and I went to Brussels last weekend. We had a great time. I stayed at a hostel for the first time. I ate my weight in frites and had waffles twice a day (good thing we were only there for 2 days). We tried all different kinds of beer at a bar called Delirium which serves over 2,700 types of beer alone. During the day we walked all over the city and went to a chocolate museum. Overall it was a fantastic trip, minus the freezing cold wind. 

Perfect Day

My housemate and I had the perfect day 2 weeks ago. (I know I'm a little late...) we went to a really cute cafe for lunch and then wandered around in the Boboli Gardens for a while. We walked down to where the Arno dips and watched that for a while and then did a little shopping. On our way home we stopped at Procacci (recommended by Linda) for rolls with truffle butter which were amazing and then got some gelato (of course). It was such a nice day and the weather was perfect.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Just a couple of recent pictures. Going to Brussels on Friday! Also the pesto pizza pictured is amazing. It's half of the reason why we never make it to any bars. We walk past it and just have pizza instead. 


My class went to Lucca on Friday. I loved it. It was so beautiful I could have spent all day there. I definitely want to go back once the weather is nicer. I had some kind of farro soup that was super tasty. We were supposed to go to Pisa as well but it was flooded. So I spent all day walking around and looking at all the churches with one of my housemates. The wooden cross with Jesus is supposed to be the only true representation of Jesus. It was carved the day after he was crucified (I think... Could have been the day of). The last picture is inside of what used to be the roman amphitheater. The piazza still has an oval shape.